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17 March, 2014

Interview: Chris Evans Talks Captain America, Typecast and Falcon

Brandon Hoyne

         With last weeks premiere screening of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the director and cast members sat down for a press conference to ask some big questions about the superhero fanchise. Captian America: The Winter Soldier hits theaters April 4, 2014.

         Heres just some of what was said during the conference.

         Chris Evans, "Had I not done the movie, it would’ve been the biggest mistake of my life. It really would have been the biggest regret to this day, and there are many. It’s changed everything for me. Not just what it’s made me do outside of these movies but it’s so comforting knowing you’re making good movies. It would be a nightmare to trapped in a contract when you’re making films you’re not proud of. Marvel has the Midas’ Touch. So every time you suit up, you know you’re making something of quality. It’s rewarding on every level. Thank God, I had the right people in my life pushing me to make the right decision.”

         "How’s it feel returning to the character and putting the costume back on?"

“It always feels like it’s gets tighter. I thought it was supposed to get more comfortable but it’s gotten worse. I’m not joking. But they always make improvements on it. Once you get a good sweat going, it loosens up quite a bit."

Via Comicvine