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25 February, 2014

Interview: Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige talks to IGN

Brandon Hoyne

         While the screening launch for the Marvel One-Shot: All Hail the King, IGN caught up with Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. Where they discussed about Doctor Strange rumors, the upcoming Netflix Series (Daredevil, Iron FistLuke Cage, Jessica Jones, and eventually Defenders), and Guardians of the Galaxy. Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters August 1, 2014.

         Here is just some of the interview.

"IGN Movies: I'm a huge Doctor Strange fan. There are a lot of rumors swirling now. How far along are you guys with that?

Kevin Feige: Well, that article [from The Hollywood Reporter] was true that we're meeting a lot of people now. That article was not true about who we're meeting or what level anybody is. But we're actively looking.

IGN: How do you feel about the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer?

Feige: Well, I was very pleased with it, because it's still early days for us, as the movie is coalescing and formulating itself in the cutting room, but there are a few things that we would be locked into: the cast, their looks, our use of music and our very unique tone. The fact that that's what that teaser is about and that's what people are embracing, there are a lot of happy people in the offices, that people are into this.

IGN: At what point do you think we'll see casting for the Marvel Netflix series?
Feige: That's a good question, and Jeph Loeb and the TV group would better answer that. I'm actually sure when that would be."

Read full interview at IGN