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05 March, 2014

Interview: John Logan Gives Fetails on Bond 24 Script

Brandon Hoyne

         The screenwriter for the next 007 movie sat down today with Empire Magazine and indulged in a few details regarding the upcoming picture. Logan say that the first draft is almost completed, confirmed Daniel Craig's heavy involvement, and said that shooting was going to start in October. Though he couldn't give out much, he did give us more than wnough to speculate on.

         "With his palpable delight at working on Bond reaching epic proportions, we eased off on the laser and put one final question to him: with Skyfall being such a huge movie – and a massive event, given its place in the 50th anniversary celebrations – will Bond 24 be as big? John Logan smiled back at us like a maniacal Bond villain. 'You ain’t seen nothing yet!'"

Via Empire