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06 March, 2014

News: Micheal B. Jordan Comments on Fantastic Four Casting

Brandon Hoyne

         Today Micheal B. Jordan made a statement on the heavy criticism he has received from his Fantastic Four reboot casting. The actor was announced to play the Human Torch, a role originally portrayed by Chris Evans (now Captain America), after which fans of the comic book team unleashed a barrage of criticism towards the actor.

         Jordan stated, "We expected - he dicharato Jordan - also because this character has always been represented in another way. People generally do not like too much change. I accept the criticism, we can not please everyone. I do my work as I have done so far and I will try to do my best. Then I'm a guy from comics, I grew up with comics and the Human Torch was really one of my favorite personeggi. I can not wait to get on set. Then we will see what will happen in 2015 when the movie comes out."

          He went on to say, "I wanted to do something different and I wish I could do everything in my career. Play a superhero I think it is everyone's dream, every actor would like to (...) Interpret the Human Torch is sure to be fun and even lighter than what I've done so far. I think it will be a fun experience, I can not wait to start."

Via Cinefilos