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10 March, 2014

News: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Post Credit Scene Revealed


Brandon Hoyne

         WARNING: This article may contain major spoilers!

         Captain America: The Winter Soldier was press screened today, and an early review of the superhero movie has surfaced online via BrainFreeze.be, calling it  the "most serious and dark Marvel film." The review then goes on to reveal major spoilers about the final scenes of the sequel.


          "After the fall of both S.H.I.E.L.D. & HYDRA we see Baron Von Strucker (Thomas Kretschmann) in his underground lair. Loki’s scepter can be seen here, as well as 2 special prisoners: the “twins”. These are of course Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). Quicksilver is bouncing from one end in his cell to another while Scarlet Witch is stacking some building blocks with her mind. Watching them, Von Strucker announces “The Age of Miracles” is upon us. And with that we learn the new name for mutants in the Marvel movieverse." As for the post-credits scene, "The Winter Soldier is visiting the Captain America exhibit in the Smithsonian museum. Here he finds the information on James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, his real name. It appears the Winter Soldier now knows who he really was and remembers that Captain America spoke the truth about him."

Spoilers End

Captain America: The Winter Soldier will officially be released April 4, 2014.

Via Comic Book Movie